I needed to display seasonal pricing for JetBooking, but I couldn’t find a solution. So, I contacted Crocoblock, and they provided me with a shortcode. However, it wasn’t exactly what I was looking for. I needed only the price per night to be returned. Based on their code, I made a few changes and created my own shortcode to return the values I wanted based on the arguments provided.
The shortcode accepts 2 arguments, and it will return the price of the current season for a weekday and weekend:
– [show_ab_prices day=”weekday”] will return the current season price for a weekday.
– [show_ab_prices day=”weekend”] will return the current season price for a weekend day.
NOTE: this code uses the price for Monday as the weekday and Saturday as the weekend day price.
** - [show_ab_prices day="weekday"] will return the current season price for a weekday.
** - [show_ab_prices day="weekend"] will return the current season price for a weekend day.
class Show_Jet_AB_Price_Shortcode {
public function __construct() {
add_shortcode( 'show_ab_prices', array( $this, 'show_ab_prices' ) );
public function show_ab_prices( $atts ) {
$defaults = array(
'day' => 'weekday', // Default to weekday
$atts = shortcode_atts( $defaults, $atts );
$day = sanitize_text_field( $atts['day'] ); // Sanitize the "day" argument
if ( ! function_exists( 'jet_engine' ) ) {
return '';
$prices = jet_engine()->listings->data->get_meta( 'jet_abaf_price' );
$seasonal = $prices['_seasonal_prices'];
if ( ! empty( $seasonal ) && is_array( $seasonal ) ) {
$now = strtotime( 'now' );
foreach ( $seasonal as $index => $season ) {
if ( $now >= $season['startTimestamp'] && $now <= $season['endTimestamp'] ) {
$is_season = true;
$now_season = $index;
break; // Exit the loop once a matching season is found
if ($is_season) {
if ($day === 'weekday') {
return $seasonal[ $now_season ]['price']; // Return the weekday price during the season
} elseif ($day === 'weekend' && isset($seasonal[$now_season]['_weekend_prices']['sat']['price'])) {
return $seasonal[$now_season]['_weekend_prices']['sat']['price']; // Return the weekend price (Saturday) during the season
return '0'; // Return empty string if no seasonal data, no matching season, or if the specified day is not found
new Show_Jet_AB_Price_Shortcode();